Thursday Feb 25, 2021

Conversations with... Ep13 A chat with Emma Parker parent and SENCO.

In this week's 'Conversation with' Sarah and Ruth  talk to Emma Parker, Parent and SENCO. She is the parent to five children, two who have special educational needs, and his able to share some of her experiences from both sides of the issue. She talks about partnership and supporting parents as well as some of the specific challenges that are faced. 

There's a little internet blip in the middle but we sort it quickly and there the odd email 'binging' into the conversation. It's all manageable, so tough it out!

You can also listen on iTunes here

The Let's Talk About Podcast is created and run by CEL&T and the ACE Network NE. 

The 'conversations with' series are run in conjunction with and for the University of Sunderland and the Senco Blog. 

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